Wow! What a crazy day last Tuesday turned out to be. Our chapel lesson topic that morning was Thank You God For Winter and boy did young and old get to experience it in all its snowy glory. A huge thank you to all the Day School teachers who remained calm and made other arrangements for their own children so they could stay late into the afternoon until the majority of our students were retrieved by parents of neighbors. By the time they left, walking was the only option and many walked as much as six miles to get home. Another huge thank you to the seven teachers who stayed with me and a precious child whose parents could not get to him Tuesday night. With the church personnel who were also stuck here or elected to stay and help we had a great group of sixteen. Mr. Perry, our security guard, got the trooper of the year award. He stayed up all Tuesday night on "watch" and would not leave until everyone was safely left late Wednesday.Thankfully, again, we had Kim with us to create her wonderful meals. Along with eating well, we had comfy sofas, tablecloths and blankets for our covers, we celebrated a birthday, shared phone chargers, had great fellowship, and a great game of Charades, all with lots of laughter.
Another huge thank you goes out to our wonderful parents who have been so diligent and creative to help make our transition to a completely tree nut and peanut free school seem so easy. If you do accidentally send a product we cannot serve your child, you will see an "Oops" sticker in your child's lunch box. It lets you know not only there was something he or she could not have, but lets you know we served your child a lunch we keep for just such occasions. All the teachers have enjoyed seeing what interesting things you are sending in the lunch boxes, and we are borrowing some of your ideas since we can't bring items containing nuts either. Our parents are the best!