IPC Day School

IPC Day School

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Children's Book Launch Party

Book Launch Party 
Scout's Christmas Adventure
by Jack L. Mauldin  (a Day School grandad!)                                 
illustrated by Jan Ovation
Saturday, November 18 
3:00 to 4:30 in the storytelling room

November at the Library

Enjoy the wonderful activities and events planned in November at the Emmet O'Neal Library!

Nov. 14, Family Night - Dinner @ 5:30 & Movie @ 6:00    A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 

Tuesdays @ 3:30 - Library Out loud - Stories for Kindergarten to 2nd grade

Wednesdays @ 1:30 - Interactive stories creative crafts & dynamic activities (please register)

Nov. 27 @ 6:00 - Breakout Book Club for emerging readers and their adults; Read together Bink & Gollie (please register)

To register and/or questions please visit www.eolib.org

Monday, November 13, 2017

Harvest for Hunger

Harvest for Hunger bags have gone home and we hope you will join us in filling our Community Ministry Food Pantry this season. This is a wonderful opportunity to talk with your children about real acts of kindness that help others. Have them choose a couple items out of your pantry or shop with you. The food will presented by the children in our weekly chapel service then taken to the pantry. Our older classes will actually take "field trips" to the pantry to see where and how it works. We ask that all bags be returned by Wed., November 15th. Thank you from the Day School, IPC, and all the many families who will receive the food.