A blog for moms, dads, grandparents and friends of the Day School to talk about what's happening and to share inspiration, recipes, events in the community and much more.
Please note, the 8:45 am and 5 pm in-person worship services will not be held today.
Masks and social distancing are required at in-person services. Childcare is available.
Please continue to remember to support the church. Offerings may be submitted online, by mail to 3100 Highland Avenue S. | Birmingham, AL 35205 or through the ShelbyNEXT app.
Let us know you are worshipping with us by filling out this attendance format the start of worship.
IPC is providing stockings for graduates of the Children's Fresh Air Farm's Summer Learning Program along with their siblings. If you are willing to help, please select the number of stockings by the children's age and gender. All stockings need to be dropped off at the church by 12/15. We request that there be a $25 limit on each stocking. Thank you for your help in bringing Christmas cheer to our campers! If you need stocking stuffer ideas click here.
A HUGE THANKS to Samford University students Olivia Cushing and Kaley Claudepierre, our fall interns. They have been a tremendous help to our IPC Staff and will be greatly missed!
They will have their feast in their classrooms this year instead of the Great Hall, but they are very excited about it! The students will wear Native American costumes that they made in class and the teachers will dress as Pilgrims.
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Masks and social distancing are required at in-person services. Childcare is available.
Please continue to remember to support the church. Offerings may be submitted online, by mail to 3100 Highland Avenue S. | Birmingham, AL 35205 or through the ShelbyNEXT app.
Let us know you are worshipping with us by filling out this attendance format the start of worship.
The Fifty-Sixth Annual November Organ Recital Series concludes this afternoon at 4 pm in the sanctuary with a wonderful program by Clive Driskill-Smith. If you'd like to join us in-person, please click on the image above to make a reservation. If you'd like to join us by livestream, please visit us on YouTube or Facebook.