A blog for moms, dads, grandparents and friends of the Day School to talk about what's happening and to share inspiration, recipes, events in the community and much more.
Sunday (June 20) - Happy Father's Day! 8:45 am - Worship, Sanctuary 10 am - Bridges & Children's Summer Sunday School, G05 and Rm. 108 11 am - Worship, Sanctuary 5 pm - The Table Worship, Highland Hall
This Week
For clarification, the 2s-5K class is RISING 2s (age 2 by to 9/1/19) - 5K, and the 1st-6th grade classis RISING 1st - 6th grade.
Rising 7th graders can either be a youth helper in Children's Summer Sunday School or attend the Jeff Leonard Summer Sunday School class with JD and the youth.
Bibletimes Marketplace 2021
"The Bibletimes Blues"
Only a few highlights from an amazing week! If your child attended BTMP and you would like to see more than a 150 pictures from the week, request to follow our PRIVATE Instagram account @ipc_btmp
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For clarification, the 2s-5K class is RISING 2s (age 2 by to 9/1/19) - 5K, and the 1st-6th grade classis RISING 1st - 6th grade.
Rising 7th graders can either be a youth helper in Children's Summer Sunday School or attend the Jeff Leonard Summer Sunday School class with JD and the youth.