After you hardball eggs and they have cooled, an easy way to decorate is to use markers. Children old enough to write can pen messages, younger children can just color and make designs. They may take a little time to dry - I actually had to blot them carefully with a paper towel before refrigerating them.

Using natural dyes to color your Easter eggs is easier than you think and uses common foods.
To make your homemade dyes, place any of these ingredients into separate pots with 2 cups of water and 1 tsp. salt. (This can take some time, but we seem to have a lot of that right now):
1 C blueberries
2 C red onion skins
2 C yellow onion skins
2 Tbsp. paprika
1 C chopped beets
2 C red cabbage
1 - 2 Tbsp. turmeric
2 C strongly brewed coffee
Bring water to a boil and boil for 15 minutes.
Strain into jars or ny vessel that will hold 2 C of liquid and add 1 Tbsp. vinegar to each one.
Let cool.
Pour into smaller cups with a plastic spoon in each so children can lower eggs carefully into cups.
Watch your children be amazed!
This is an easy variation on dyeing eggs whether with homemade dyes or store bought ones. Place rubber bands around the eggs in different directions before you dye them. Let the eggs dry before removing them.
Younger children will decorate eggs you draw for them on a pieces of paper. They can be cut out by the child or not at all. Crayons, paint, stamps, stickers, yarn, small craft jewels, glitter. Let your imagination go wild and decide how much mess you want.
Build towers with plastic egg halves. How tall can it go?
Use plastic egg halves and play dough to stick them together and actually create structures.
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