IPC Day School

IPC Day School

Monday, July 6, 2020

Tic Tac Toe

Children love to play games and they learn a plethora of skills. They have to problem solve, think ahead and plan, count or match, take turns, get along with others, and be a good winner or loser - an endless list. The age of your child should dictate the games you teach them, but let them experience the joy of playing family games. These are memories that all of us have growing up and they are some of the best! Get out the Candyland, Go Fish cards, a Match game, Dominoes, UNO cards, and keep adding appropriate games as they catch on.

One easy game you can actually let them help make is a tic tac toe game from rocks and sticks, rocks for the game pieces and the sticks to delineate the 9 squares. Cheap and fun!

12 rocks
4 sticks
Collect 12 smooth rocks each about the same size; wash them and let them dry.
Choose 2 colors, or bugs, or shapes, or letters (X or O, or kids' different initial) to paint on the rocks. Paint the rocks - Six of one, six of the other one.
Let the paint dry and then add any details with a Sharpie or markers.
Place the sticks to make the board, 2 vertically, and 2 horizontally.

I chose red lady bugs and yellow bees. I painted the solid colors first, then went back with a black Sharpie to draw the details.

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