One easy game you can actually let them help make is a tic tac toe game from rocks and sticks, rocks for the game pieces and the sticks to delineate the 9 squares. Cheap and fun!
12 rocks
4 sticks

Collect 12 smooth rocks each about the same size; wash them and let them dry.
Choose 2 colors, or bugs, or shapes, or letters (X or O, or kids' different initial) to paint on the rocks. Paint the rocks - Six of one, six of the other one.
Let the paint dry and then add any details with a Sharpie or markers.
Place the sticks to make the board, 2 vertically, and 2 horizontally.
I chose red lady bugs and yellow bees. I painted the solid colors first, then went back with a black Sharpie to draw the details.

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