Believe it or not, we actually do have children occasionally bring sushi in their lunches, but we know not all kids have acquired a taste for that yet. I do have a couple of ideas for "sushi" style breakfasts, lunches or snacks that look fun on the plate and are really easy to transport and eat. Many of your children can help with parts of the assembling and would love being in the kitchen with you.
You will need per child:
1 tortilla
1 banana
2 Tbsp. nut butter of your choice - (for school, remember only Sun Butter!)
Spread the nut butter all over the tortilla.
Place the banana toward one edge of the tortilla.
Begin rolling the tortilla at the edge closest to the banana until you have a nice, tight roll.
Slice into "sushi" size pieces.
You will need per child:
Softened butter
Remove the crust from each piece of bread.
With a rolling pin, flatten the bread. (if you do not have a rolling pin, use the bottom of a glass.)
Spread the butter evenly onto the bread.
Sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar.
Tightly roll the pieces of bread.
Now you have two options:
1) Cut the rolls with a serrated knife into sushi size pieces and enjoy OR
2) Saute in some butter for just a few minutes, turning the rolls to be browned a little on all sides. Then cut into sushi size pieces and enjoy.
Either of these "sushi" ideas can also be made with ham or turkey and cheese or peanut butter and jelly. Really anything your child would eat that can be rolled and cut and not get too, too messy!
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