IPC Day School

IPC Day School

Monday, September 29, 2014

No Cell Phone Zone

To help us ensure the safety of our children during carpool drop off and pick up, please refrain from using your cell phones while in carpool line. Not only is it a safety issue, but your children need you to tell them to good bye and to have a wonderful day and then to let them know how excited you are to see them when we load them in your car. Nothing says love like some special words and your undivided attention!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fun For Moms, Too

    There are several wonderful opportunities listed below for our moms to get together. The first is a special event and the other two are ongoing. We hope you can participate!
    On Friday, September 26th Fabrik in Homewood will open their doors from 9-11 especially for Day School moms. Everyone will receive 20% off and can enjoy coffee, mimosas and some yummy breakfast pastries. The discount includes designer denim, shoes, jewelry, purses and all clothes! Check out Fabrik on Instagram - @fabrikhomewood and contact Caron Lassiter if you have any questions-caronlassiter@gmail.com.
    Don't forget about yoga on Thursday mornings at 11:30 in 3116 with Nedra for all Day School moms. Free childcare is provided on the ground floor of the Day School in room G24.  Please email Cindy Shaw at cshaw@ipc-usa.org with questions or suggestions for time change.  Yoga is also available at 6:15 on Wednesday evenings in 3116.
    Faith in Motion has literally taken off. The group meets on Tuesdays at 9:15 in room 306 for Bible study before they head out for runs or a walk. Free childcare is available in G24. Contact Caron Lassiter (see email link above) if you have any questions.
    Please feel free to contact the Day School with any questions or suggestions.
    Kathy Leaver