IPC Day School

IPC Day School

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Rock Art Rocks

We have plenty of rocks around our communities, some in nature, and some we bring into our yards for various reasons. We have rocks of all sizes, from marble-size to huge boulders. Some are light and some are too heavy to even move. They are different shapes and some are smooth and some rough. There is some great vocabulary and concepts to talk about when you are investigating rocks.There are also endless opportunities to choose some rocks to use as a blank canvas and paint or draw something, anything!

One of the out of the way places I have been walking has proven very inspiring. There is a budding artist who leaves different rocks each day. It has become fun to spy them. Most make me smile because they are so creative. The artist actually seems to be inspired by the shape of the natural rock and paints accordingly. Cute, huh?


First find a rock or two that you want to use. Wash them off and let them completely dry. Good markers, water colors and tempera paint (or acrylic depending on the age of your children) will all work, though the water colors need very little water on the brush so the colors remain dark enough to show up. If your rock is dark, water colors may not be a good choice. You can look at the rock and ask yourself what it looks like to you. If a certain object comes to mind, you could decorate it that way. Remember though, it can be just as much fun to decorate a rock with any design
 or special words.
You can share your rocks by placing them where your neighbors may see them when they walk by or you can give them to someone in your family as a sweet gift. Anything goes as long as you are having fun turning rocks into art!                                              

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