IPC Day School

IPC Day School

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Our Yoga Mats Are Lonesome

Yoga continues to rise in popularity with adults, but, guess what! Kids love yoga, too. We love practicing yoga at the Day School, but right now, the mats are rolled up very tidy, missing the kids.
We hope you will take some of this extra time you have to practice some yoga with your children.

One of our favorite yoga resources is Cosmic Kids Yoga. Each entertaining video has both a story and actions, the yoga positions. The children listen and watch intently and do a great job with the yoga moves.

Another favorite site of one of my grandson's is Yoga for Kids with Alissa Kepas, found on YouTu.be. He reaches and stretches and bends and breathes AND listens carefully.

There are so many advantages for you to do yoga with your children. The workout your body gets is gentle but effective, and we know it helps relieve stress. Yoga also helps children be more mindful of their bodies, their surroundings, their actions.

So take off your shoes, grab a mat if you have one, and have a wonderful, family yoga experience.

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